Tooth Extractions Specialist

Pacific Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Center

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery located in Oakland, CA

When a damaged or decayed tooth can’t be saved, tooth extraction might be your best option to preserve your oral and dental health. At Pacific Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Center in Oakland, California, Brandon Kang, DDS offers specialized atraumatic tooth extractions to protect your surrounding teeth and the alveolar ridge of your upper or lower jaw. If you need a tooth extraction, call Pacific Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Center or schedule a consultation online today.

Tooth Extractions Q&A

Why would I need a tooth extraction?

Preserving and protecting your natural teeth is the ideal option for maintaining excellent oral and dental health. However, in some cases, a tooth can’t be saved, and an extraction is your best option. Some of the reasons that you might need a tooth extraction include:

  • Excessive tooth decay
  • Tooth infections
  • Severe damage
  • Overcrowding

You might also need a tooth extraction if a compromised tooth increases your risk of complications during chemotherapy or an organ transplant procedure.

The team also offers wisdom teeth extractions when your wisdom teeth don’t break through correctly, or your jaw doesn’t have room to accommodate them. 

What happens during a tooth extraction?

The team at Pacific Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Center provides atraumatic tooth extractions. They use minimally invasive surgical techniques to remove your damaged or decayed tooth with minimal trauma to the surrounding teeth and jawbone.

When necessary, they also offer surgical extractions to remove impacted teeth.

Your oral surgeon provides a sedative to help you relax and numbs your tooth and the surrounding tissue to ensure your comfort during the procedure. A friend or family member can drive you home when your sedation wears off, and your surgeon gives you aftercare instructions.

How should I take care of my teeth after an extraction?

Even with the atraumatic extraction technique, you might have some swelling and tenderness following a tooth extraction. In most cases, ice and over-the-counter pain relievers minimize your discomfort.

You might want to stick to a liquid or soft food diet for a couple of days while your jaw heals. You shouldn’t use a straw, as the suction can dislodge the clot that forms in the socket and lead to a painful complication called dry socket.

After 24 hours, you can rinse your mouth and brush your teeth and floss gently, taking extra care around the extraction site.

Call Pacific Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Center or make an appointment online if you need a tooth extraction.